RSW offers a wide range of accounting and consulting services to help you improve operations, increase performance, and raise your bottom line. We use a holistic approach for each engagement allowing us to maximize your profitability and minimize your tax liability.
Our specialists conduct a full analysis of your business – carefully reviewing the shareholders’ goals and objectives; assessing the current capital structure; and evaluating the revenue, earnings and cash flow. Our team will then examine your current business plan and make recommendations regarding shareholder financial arrangements and your entity structure to assist you in reducing your tax liability.
Our all-inclusive methodology, personalized service, and our proven track record has earned RSW the reputation as being the CA firm of choice for SMEs and entrepreneurial individuals. We are committed to client satisfaction by ensuring we are on time and budget with our work and by communicating regularly to guarantee satisfaction. We do more than just provide services – we provide solutions and reliable financial advice assisting you in making the best tax, accounting and business decisions for you and your business – helping you take your business to the next level of its evolution.
T 514 842-3911
F 514 849-3447
Place du Parc
300, Léo-Pariseau, # 1900,
Montréal (Québec) Canada H2X 4B5
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