Your family business is running successfully and it provides you with the extra cash flow that needs to be invested. Perhaps, your successful business has been sold, and your family intends to rely on the investment of the proceeds to maintain your desired lifestyle, or to provide for future generations. We help you with what you need to ensure that your investments provide you with the cash flow required to achieve your objectives, limiting your risks to only those that you are willing to take.

At RSW we are independent and always objective. We do not provide any specific investment products but we can help you manage the relationships with your investment professionals so as to ensure that your objectives are met.

Our services include:

  • development of your investment strategy
  • monitoring the strategic allocation of your investment mix
  • independent assessment of your investment managers’ performance
  • evaluation of alternative investment proposals
Joseph Havas Joe Havas, CPA

Contact Joe

Peter Linardakis Peter Linardakis, CPA

Contact Peter

Kirk Linardakis Kirk Linardakis, CPA

Contact Kirk

Hachem W. Halabi Hachem Halabi, D.FISC, CPA

Contact Hachem