Local markets have become global markets where production is divorced from the market in which the sale is made. RSW has helped numerous businesses succeed and prosper. With our wide range of capabilities and services, our team’s depth of experience in dealing with cross-border issues, has become very relevant in positioning importers and distributors as being competitively necessary rather than future victims of consolidating supply chains.

With our industry specialists working with you, your business has direct access to the entire arsenal of RSW resources. We offer a comprehensive array of tax, audit, accounting, consulting and financial planning services to clients. Our mission is simple – help every client achieve the highest level of financial success possible, and provide growing companies like yours with relevant and timely advice focused on your needs.

As liberalization of trade is being accompanied by improved information and communication technologies, cheaper and better logistic services, RSW can be an invaluable partner in maximizing your productivity and profitability. Our professionals have extensive experience in helping importer / distributors improve efficiencies, better manage inventories and finance needed capital investments. Our large base of import / distribution clients has given us a wealth of experience that not only allows us to relate to your business, but also to the issues your customers and suppliers face as well.

The RSW team has specialists who know import / distribution inside and out. Whether you are new to the industry, or have growing revenues in excess of $100 million, or are operating locally or within a wider geographic foot print, our team can help you achieve financial success through understanding WHO is doing the trading, and WHAT is being traded.

Our services include:

  • Audit, review and compilation services
  • Strategic planning
  • Business plan development
  • Taxation
  • Accounting system design and implementation
  • Financial analysis
  • Financial forecasting and budgeting
  • Cash flow improvement, planning, and budgeting
  • Financial reporting improvement
  • Product profitability improvement planning
  • Analyses of inventory levels, overhead structures, fill-rates and labour
  • Inventory and receivable control and financing
  • Outsourced CFO/controller services
  • Objective third-party advice and negotiation assistance
  • Commodity tax compliance and audits
  • Business valuation
  • Corporate structuring
  • Mergers, acquisitions, and joint-ventures
  • Transition planning

Whether you’re considering expansion into new markets, diversifying your product line, seeking new sources of supply, or are looking to improve efficiency to increase profitability, our team of specialists will provide you with both the technical expertise and extensive industry knowledge, which will allow you to better understand the challenges faced in doing business with culturally diverse companies from many other regions.

Joseph Havas Joe Havas, CPA

Contact Joe

Kirk Linardakis Kirk Linardakis, CPA

Contact Kirk