Kirk Linardakis

Contact Kirk

    Kyriakos Linardakis relies on his years of experience as an accountant to help owner-managed businesses plan & execute assurance engagements. Kirk, as he known in the office, joined RSW in 1995, and qualified as a Chartered Accountant 2 years later in 1997.

    Kirk has a diverse background in audit, financial accounting and taxation in which he draws upon to look after the needs of a broad-based group of entrepreneurial clients. His clients include:

    • Manufacturers of apparel, flooring, and electronic components
    • Importers and distributors of housewares, home furnishings apparel, and heavy machinery
    • Equipment and furniture rentals
    • Real estate investors and developers
    • Trade unions and not-for-profit organizations
    • Pension plans
    • School boards
    • Retail
    • Fashion
    • Wholesale and retail travel agencies
    • Information technology
    • Professional services

    As partner in our Assurance department, Kirk plans and executes a diverse array of assurance engagements including:

    • Special purpose assurance engagement such as audit reports on compliance with agreements and sales audits
    • Due diligence reviews
    • Audits of financial statements
    • Financial statement review engagements
    • Reports on internal controls

    Kirk’s extensive knowledge of financial reporting and related disclosure requirements, including new standards, make him ideal to assist companies and other parties of interested on accounting and financial reporting issues related to financial statement preparation.

    He relies on his years of experience as an accountant to help owner-managed businesses in the following areas:

    • Income tax planning and compliance
    • Estate and financial planning
    • Business cash-flow planning and predictive modeling

    Kirk has been the instrumental driving force in digitizing the firm, making RSW a paperless office. Kirk is also responsible for maintaining a high level compliance by all members of our firm with professional standards. Therefore, he is responsible for ensuring that our team keeps abreast of new rules and regulations in the audit and assurance area and for the designing and installation of the appropriate training programs that our partners and other team members need to follow.

    Kirk is a member of:

    • Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec (CPA);
    • Chartered Professional Accountants Canada (CPA Canada).