Hachem W. Halabi

Contact Hachem

    Hachem Halabi provides tax planning and compliance services in both US and Canadian taxation, to a diverse spectrum of individual and corporate clients. He joined the partnership in January 2013, Hachem has over fourteen years’ experience in audit, advisory and tax has provided high quality service to a diverse list of clients. Since 2003, Hachem has been focusing his efforts on taxation and has been heading the Canadian and US tax practice of RSW since 2008.

    Hachem holds a Bachelors’ degree in Commerce from Concordia with a graduate degree in accounting that lead him to obtain his Chartered Accountant designation. Attracted by a career in taxation, Hachem has obtained a graduate degree in taxation from the University of Sherbrooke and has his Master’s degree in Taxation.

    Recognizing that the Canadian economy is intertwined with the US economy, Hachem has devoted considerable efforts in obtaining the CPA designation from the State of Illinois by succeeding in the National CPA examination and in studying the US tax system. In fact, the subject of his theses is in regards to the tax consequences of cross border generational transfer of family businesses.

    Hachem provides tax planning and compliance services in both US and Canadian taxation, to a diverse spectrum of individual and corporate clients from small start-ups to large and closely held businesses, which include:

    • Tax planning and compliance for Canadian Corporations and cross border transactions
    • Owner-Manager remuneration optimization
    • Tax compliance for Nonresident corporations in Canada
    • Tax planning and compliance to minimize tax for Individuals owner managers and professionals in Canada
    • while preserving their wealth
    • Estate planning for individuals and professionals wishing to transfer their assets and businesses to the next
    • generation during their lifetime or post-mortem
    • US tax planning and compliance for dual-citizens living in Canada
    • Tax and transition planning for corporations effecting a purchase or undergoing a sale or a merger
    • Assisting individuals, corporation and trusts in net worth audits, tax audits and sales tax audits and following up with representations including the objection and appeals procedures

    Hachem is a member of the following organizations

    • Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec (OCPAQ)
    • Chartered Professional Accountants Canada (CPA Canada);
    • Illinois State Society of Certified Public Accountants (ISCPA)
    • Canadian Tax Foundation (CTF)
    • Association de planification fiscale et financière (APFF)
    • Previous Member of the Board of Directors of the Montreal CA’s